Prenuptial agreements are designed to provide clarity and safeguard individual assets in the event of a marriage dissolution. However, disputes often arise regarding their validity, as demonstrated in a recent New York case in which the court determined that a trial was needed to determine whether a prenuptial agreement should be upheld. If you have questions about how a prenuptial agreement may impact your rights if you decide to end your marriage, it is crucial to consult a New York divorce attorney who can advise you of your options.
Factual and Procedural History
It is reported that the wife and husband entered into a prenuptial agreement a week prior to their wedding. The wife allegedly insisted on the agreement at her family’s request, assuring the husband that its purpose was solely to protect premarital assets, including her interest in her mother’s business. The wife’s attorney drafted the agreement, and the husband, reportedly lacking independent counsel, signed it after reviewing it briefly in the wife’s attorney’s office.
Allegedly, the marriage lasted a few years, during which the husband contended he largely gave up his photography career to care for the couple’s young child while the wife pursued her career as a pharmacist. The terms of the agreement deprived the husband of equitable distribution of marital assets, including properties purchased during the marriage, but titled solely in the wife’s name. The husband asserted that he was misled into believing the agreement was fair and later realized it contained provisions waiving his rights to marital assets and maintenance. Continue reading